
Berry chocolate tiramisu

Home » Lara Daly » Berry chocolate tiramisu

3 February 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Everyone loves a tiramisu, and this little pick-me-up, made with hot chocolate in place of espresso, is perfect for the whole family.

Serves 4-6


4 heaped tablespoons hot chocolate powder

1½ cups boiling water

250g mascarpone

100ml cream

2 tablespoons icing sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 cups fresh berries – I used blackberries and raspberries

1 packet sponge ladyfingers/savoiardi

¼ cup raspberry jam

75g dark chocolate, grated or chopped roughly


1. Line a loaf tin with baking paper, leaving some to overhang the sides.

2. In a bowl, whisk hot-chocolate powder with boiling water until it has dissolved.

3. Whip together mascarpone, cream, icing sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form.

4. Mash 1 cup of the fresh berries with the jam.

5. To assemble: Dip half the lady- fingers in the hot chocolate one by one, until they’re quite soaked, and lay them in the loaf tin to form a base layer. Spread the crushed berry/jam mixture on top, followed by half the cream mixture and a layer of fresh berries. Arrange another layer of soaked ladyfingers over top, followed by the remaining cream mixture. Cover and chill for 1 hour.

6. To serve, top with remaining fresh berries and shards of chocolate. Carefully lift out of the loaf tin and serve in slices. Prego!

Nici’s note

Ladyfingers are available in most supermarkets, in either the bakery section or international foods section.

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