
Bistro Bacon And Tarragon Chicken

Home » Food » Bistro Bacon And Tarragon Chicken

8 June 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Simple creamy deliciousness, this chicken dish never fails to have me in raptures.

Serves 2


1 tablespoon olive oil

2 whole chicken legs

1 onion, finely diced

2 rashers streaky bacon, diced

2 teaspoons dried tarragon

2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard

¼ cup white wine

½ cup vegetable or chicken stock

½ cup crème fraiche (or sour cream)

½ teaspoon sea salt and grind of black pepper


1. Heat oil in a medium pan and fry the chicken pieces until golden on both sides. Remove from the pan. Fry the onion and bacon for 7-10 minutes, until the onions have softened and the bacon has given up its fat. Pop the chicken back into the pan. Add the tarragon, mustard and wine and simmer for 2 minutes. Pour in stock, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

2. Stir in crème fraiche and seasoning and simmer for 5 minutes until it’s lovely and creamy. Taste to see if it needs more salt or pepper.

3. Serve with roasted pumpkin and fresh watercress or a green salad.

Nici’s Note

If you can’t find whole legs in the store, use bone-in thighs or drums.

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