
Nici Wickes’ Tomato and Watermelon Salad Recipe

Home » Jacinda Ardern » Nici Wickes’ Tomato and Watermelon Salad Recipe

24 January 2023

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I love the time of year when both watermelons and tomatoes are available so I can indulge in this super-tasty salad. The combo may be new to you, but trust me, you’re going to love it!

Makes 1 medium salad



2 cups greens – rocket, basil, mint, spinach (any or all)
¼ cup roasted almonds
4 tablespoons good olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
A decent squeeze of lemon or lime juice
¼ teaspoon chilli flakes
¼ teaspoon sea salt


2-3 cups cubed watermelon, chilled
2 cups assorted tomatoes, chopped into chunks
Basil leaves to garnish
Freshly ground black pepper
Olive oil for drizzling


1. Combine the dressing ingredients in a food processor or blender and process to a thick paste. Taste for seasoning – it should have a decent punch to it! To thin it, drizzle in water as you keep the motor running, or add more oil.

2. Assemble salad by tumbling chilled watermelon and tomatoes onto a large plate and topping with spoonfuls of the green dressing and fresh basil leaves. Add a decent grind of black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil to serve.

Nici’s note

Leftover green dressing will keep in a jar in the fridge for up to a week. Try it with lamb chops or a salmon steak, or toss through pasta.

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